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Rick's Way or the Walker Highway |
Episode 1 'Seed'
The Season 3 premiere of the Walking Dead picks up months after the finale of season 2. After Rick let the group know that it was his way or the highway, everyone seemed to quickly accept it. As Lori is more evidently pregnant now, the group has been moving from house to house, but now need to find a place to settle so Lori can delivery the baby. Most of the group now are well versed in Walker killing, and Carl now can hold his own as demonstrated in the episode's first few minutes. Once the group clear out a new house, more Walkers show up and their few minutes of rest now turn into another re-grouping.
While everyone decides to gather some water, Rick and Daryl decide to go hunting and stumble upon the prison, which Rick views as a possible safe haven. The group first clear out the outer prison yard and make camp, while Rick plans on them pushing forward into the prison once morning comes. While inside, they clear out a prison cell block and prepare to clear out another when they get split up by inmate Walkers. Glenn and Maggie manage to hide, while Rick, T-Dog, Hershel, and Daryl regroup to look for them. Maggie calls out for them, but only Hershel hears, so he walks back to find them and unfortunately walks over a walker who bites his leg. Rick kills the Walker and the group run into a room locked by handcuffs in order to help Hershel.
Acting quickly, Rick chops off Hershel's leg in hopes to cut away the infected area, while Daryl spots a group of shadows watching in the other side of the room. These shadows turned out to be inmate survivors who have been locked inside since the initial outbreak.
This episode also showed us Michonne gathering medicine for Andrea, who has taken ill during their time together. After discussing what to do next, the group decide to head out with Michonne's walkers in tow.
Episode 2 'Sick'
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Helping Hershel |
After Hershel passes out from the loss of blood, Rick and the others begin to head back to the cell block while Daryl keeps an eye on the prisoners who slowly follow the group back. Rick sets up Hershel on a prison bed and everyone gathers items to help stop his leg from bleeding. The prisoners manage to find their way back to the others, where Daryl awaits armed with his cross-bow. Tomas, the apparent leader of the inmates, states that the block that they currently occupy is Cell Block C, his old home and he wants back in. Daryl and T-Dog hold them back as Rick makes his way over them. After calming everyone down, Rick asks the inmates how long they were held in the room, and they explain that they've been hidden for 10 months once the riot broke out and everyone started biting and attacking one another.
The inmates hope to reach out to their family and Rick and Daryl explain that at least half of country if not more has been turned into infected walkers.
Once outside the inmates got a safer look at the walkers and we're told that everyone is infected and death will bring you back as a shell only seeking to feed on the living. Tomas claims that the group can stay outside while they live in Cell Block C, but Rick proclaims that they took the prison and will let the inmates stay as long as they keep to another cell block, which Rick and the others will help clear out. Tomas agrees and Rick states that they must also offer up half of the inmates food.
Disappointed by the lack of weapons given to them, the inmates first try to attack the walkers in the only way they know how, but get quickly schooled on the proper way by the others. After dispatching of some walkers, Big Tiny, the largest inmate in the group finds himself on the receiving end of a walker scratch. The others get to him and prepare to leave him as he pleads that he is fine, but Tomas swings at Big Tiny and connects, sending him down as Tomas continues to attack, killing Big Tiny and preventing his transformation.
Covered in blood, Tomas and the others move on and prepare to clear another room. Rick hands Tomas the keys and tells him to open one of the door to better control the Walker flow, but Tomas ignores this order and opens both doors, letting in more Walkers than needed. During the process, Tomas takes a swing a Rick and then launches a Walker onto Rick, which Daryl takes care of. After they cleared out the room, Rick kills Tomas while the others take aim at the other prisoners and hold them while Rick chases after the one who escapes. He unfortunately runs outside, where a group of Walkers await. Rick closes the gate on him and returns to the group, where they let the remaining two inmates live and escort them to a cell block.
During all of this, Lori, Carol, Maggie, Beth, Glenn, and Carl watch over Herschel, expecting him to turn. Carl takes matters into his own hands and locates the infirmary, where he finds medical supplies to help with Hershel. While everyone is thankful for him, Lori gets upset that he goes alone, and Carl angrily snaps at her, leaving the cell.
In the end, Hershel survives the bite and is alive and well, albiet missing one leg. Rick thanks Lori for her help, and Carol asks Glenn to help her find a Walker outside to cut open, since that may be the only way to properly deliver Lori's baby.
Episode 3 'Walk With Me'
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"Welcome to Woodbury" |
This episode was mainly focused on Andrea, Michonne, and the Governor. When a group of soldiers crash their chopper in the woods, Andrea and Michonne go to investigate, and quickly hide as the Governor and his men make their way to the crash. The men are prepared to leave when they begin hearing the sounds of Michonne's pets, who she quickly beheads to save her and Andrea from detection.
The coast seems clear, but the ladies find themselves held at gunpoint by Meryl, Daryl's brother who was last seen handcuffed on a roof in Atlanta. Forced to cut off his hand to save himself from Walkers, Meryl somehow made his way out and into the Governor's group.
The ladies are then taken to Woodbury, the town established by the Governor and has a vast group of survivors, including children and pregnant women. Impressed by what he has done, Andrea wishes to stay around while Michonne wants to leave asap, which may not be a bad idea.
One of the soldiers survives the crash and is questioned by the Governor about his purpose of flying and if they were other soldiers around. Once he obtains this information, he finds the soldiers and notifies him about the pilot and offers for them to join. Once their guard is done, he shoots one of the soldiers, and his men reveal themselves in the surrounding fields and ambush the soldiers, killing all of them. They then take their supplies and head back to Woodbury.
Before he left to find the soldiers, the Governor was speaking with the town scientist about Michonne's pets and they come to the conclusion that having disabled Walkers around could help them blend in when out in the areas.
After they return, the Governor gives a speech to the town and heads home for the night. He looks over the town from his window, grabs a drink, and heads into his hidden room and sits in his chair to reflect on his day. The camera then turns to what else is in the room: a tank full of Walker heads that still have life in them, with the rescued pilot being at the top.
Woodbury may not be the perfect sanctuary after all.